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好的,你需要更多的RAM,但是大多数人拥有更多的内存,然后Ubuntu需要 – 那么使用preload有什么缺点?



首先,Google Chrome。现在浏览器每次启动只能打开一次,也许两次(对我而言,我是一名Web开发人员)。 Chrome及其相关的库保留在内存中,因为我一直在使用它。即使当我关闭所有的 chrome 窗户,它仍然在后台做它的事情。因此,所有专门持有Chrome预载副本的内存都是完全浪费。它从来没有(或很少)卸载。对于普通用户来说,这对于大量的应用程序来说是正确的。 Office用户几乎总是会打开他们的电子邮件应用程序。因此,启动时间节省的小部分完全被浪费掉了,因为他们每天只能打开一次电子邮件应用程序,并且保持打开状态。

第二个例子是耙子。作为相信测试的红 gems 开发人员,我运行了一个TON。耙运行,执行几秒钟 – 分钟然后退出。预加载有助于加快我的日常工作速度,因为它会提前加载耙和其所需的库(可能非常广泛)。所以有很多启动和停止耙运行。用于加速在几个小时的时间内进行400或500次耙机的额外内存是完全值得的。




Question asked by bountier Saeed Zarinfam on September 5, 2012:

Hi all, I want to know, Is it a myth? Does [preload] really improve my performance? What are drawbacks of using it? I have a laptop with this specification (Core i5 CPU, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD Hard). Thank you so much.

  • 如果您拥有SSD,则无需预加载

    • 这是因为SSD提供的随机访问时间比硬盘快得多,所以”pre-loading”二进制文件/内存中的依赖项是浪费,IMO

    • 那么基本的缺点是预加载是”using”额外的内存而没有提供实际的好处。


Preload is an “adaptive readahead daemon” that runs in the background of your system, and observes what programs you use most often, caching them in order to speed up application load time. By using Preload, you can put unused RAM to good work, and improve the overall performance of your desktop system.

Don’t expect to see a drastic change in performance right away. Also, if you’re just opening/closing applications repetitively, your computer will store those files in cache anyway (this is called a “warm” load), so you won’t see any difference in speed there. You will, however, see a speed improvement if, for example, you use a program intermittently; these programs will start up faster than without Preload.

Preload can provide a great improvement in application start up time; since most modern machines have a good deal of memory to spare, Preload puts this RAM to good use.1




We designed and implemented preload, a Markov-based adaptive prefetching scheme that works on application-level predictions. Moreover, preload is implemented in the userspace and does not change the application run-time environment in any sense. This is the first work experimenting with file-system prefetching at this level as far as we know.

Our experimental results show promising improvements on application start-up time compared to cold caches, and a decent hit rate compared to a na¨ıve prediction algorithm.

However, being in user-space introduces major obstacles into making preload a competitive solution to the startup-time problem. In particular, not having full information about applications’ I/O requests, and lack of strong communication channels with the page-cache subsystem degrades preload’s effectiveness drastically, especially under tight memory conditions.

Another inherent problem with the preload design is high variance and low prediction confidence caused by the relatively loose correlation of application start-ups. While we successfully build a model to track application correlations, the fact that application launches are very rare events compared to the timescale that computers work on, an application-level prefetching scheme is condemned to consume huge prefetching memory over practically infinite periods of time. This memory can be used to improve short-term cache behavior.

Finally, we come up with a set of recommendations for system developers on how to improve boot-time, login-time, and application startup-time without falling back to a prefetcher integrated with the cache subsystem in the kernel. Of course, a file-based prefetcher in the kernel can improve on top of that.2


来源:Preload – An Adaptive Prefetching Daemon by Behdad Esfahbod – A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science – Graduate Department of Computer Science – University of Toronto Copyright (c) 2006 by Behdad Esfahbod.



用户打开应用程序的性能提高。我在我的系统以及”read-ahead”上使用了多年,并且没有问题。用于预加载的bug page也没有暗示任何缺点。




如果您经常使用Firefox或Gimp等常用应用程序,您会发现一些重大改进的加载时间。预加载是一个在后台独立运行的守护进程,无论如何不会中断您的桌面。 Ubuntu用户可以用以下方式安装预加载:

sudo apt-get install preload





看看这个document by Lorenzo Colitti about analyzing and improving GNOME startup time

Coletti不是preload的作者。在他的文件中他提到了the preload project page on Sourceforge.net


  1. 这是一个GNOME开发。 GNOME不受欢迎,正如Coletti在本文中指出的那样,其他环境的开发人员认为这是错误的方法。

  2. preload针对单用户性能,而不是多用户。因此,该项目的范围与所有发行版的范围不匹配。



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