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我明天应该将一些艺术品发送给印刷厂,他们的指导方针要求它是 CMYK。

我已经安装了 ‘gimp-plugin-registy’ 包中的插件Separate+。我还安装了 ‘icc-profiles’ 包中的一些 ICC 颜色配置文件。


如何将图像转换为 CMYK?


我意识到这是一个老问题,但我只是偶然发现并找到了答案。将图像分成 CMYK 通道后,您将获得具有 4 层(每种颜色各一层)的 .tif 图像。该图像看起来是倒置的,因为白色/灰色的每个区域都代表一定量的青色、品红色、黄色或黑色。

一旦你有了这个,只需转到图像->;分开->导出图像并将其导出为 .tif。这将使用您选择的 CMYK 配置文件重新打包您的图像,当您查看它时,它将是正确的打印颜色。

您还可以使用图像->分开->校样,然后选择显示器的颜色配置文件,它将生成包含所有正确颜色的 .tif 预览。这是一个非常好的插件!


使用 ImageMagick 超级简单(预装在每个 Ubuntu 中):

convert input.jpg -colorspace cmyk -compress LZW output.tif

注意:导出的文件会相当大(无论使用什么工具),因此最好包含压缩 – 对于 TIFF,最广泛使用的是 LZW。





Separating an image:


To convert an RGB image to CMYK format, bring up the right-button\\nmenu, and go to “Image->” If the plugin in installed correctly, there\\nwill be a new menu, “Separate”. From this new menu, select “Separate\\n(normal)”; you will be prompted to select an RGB source profile, and a\\nCMYK destination profile. If you have installed the Adobe and sRGB\\nprofiles as per the instructions in the archive, you can just accept\\nthe defaults for testing, otherwise you’ll have to locate the profiles\\nmanually.


A new image will be created with four greyscale layers, named “C”,\\n”M”, “Y”, and “K”.


If you have loads of memory to spare, you can use the “Separate\\n(colour)” option; this will perform the same operation, but the new\\nimage will contain five layers: The first, “Background” will be white,\\nand the other four will be solid Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black, with\\nthe separated image data in layer masks. In addition, the layer modes\\nfor the four colours will be set to “Darken Only”. This gives a rough\\nreconstruction of the colours, and is the next best thing to a true\\nCMYK painting mode, since you can paint on the layer masks, and see\\nthe results in realtime.


NEW for 0.3 – the “primary” colours chosen for the “Separate (colour)” mode are now much more akin to the primaries used in\\nprinting, which are nowhere near as bright, saturated and downright\\nlurid as pure screen Cyan and Magenta! This gives a far more\\nrealistic preview of the colours.




我放弃了 Gimp 并转换为 cmyk – 只需安装 Krita,它也是开源且免费的。我不再需要 Photoshop。我使用 Affinity Publisher,并且可能还会购买 Affinity Photo,但对于我现在需要的内容,Krita 效果很好。我只是添加了我需要的 cmyk 配置文件,这在 Krita 中非常简单。


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/14187.html,未经允许,请勿转载。