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我有一个 multi-page pdf 文件,我想将特定页面顺时针旋转 90 度,以获取与原始 pdf 具有相同页面但旋转此特定页面的新 pdf 文件。\n我该怎么做?



NOTE: This solution only works for Ubuntu versions up through 17.10. Ubuntu 18.04 and later do not have the pdftk package due to the packages being removed due to the dependencies to run the package being removed from the Archive for Bionic and later.



NOTE2: even if officially removed from 18.04, there is a snap version of pdftk; you can install it with snap install pdftk.



您可以使用 pdftk 。使用 sudo apt-get install pdftk 安装它。然后,假设您要将文档 test.pdf 的第 4 页顺时针旋转 90 度:

pdftk test.pdf cat 1-3 4east 5-end output out.pdf 

您可以在 pdftk 中做更多事情,更改页面顺序、旋转、合并各种 PDF 文件。手册页是您的朋友。

来自 man pdftk ,指的是 cat 操作:


<input PDF handle>[<begin page number>[-<end page num\\u2010\\n ber>[<qualifier>]]][<page rotation>]


             Where the handle identifies one of the input PDF files, and\\n             the beginning and ending page numbers are one-based refer\\u2010\\n             ences to pages in the PDF file.  The qualifier can be even or\\n             odd, and the page rotation can be north, south, east, west,\\n             left, right, or down.\\n



您还可以使用具有 GUI 界面的 pdfshuffler 。您可以从 http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfshuffler/ 或使用 ubuntu 软件中心或突触包管理器下载它。



本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/12971.html,未经允许,请勿转载。