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在Kali Linux上使用Hydra测试WordPress登录名

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在做任何事情之前,您将需要一个WordPress网站来定位。本指南还假定您在自己的计算机上托管WordPress网站。如果您需要有关在计算机上设置LAMP的帮助,请查看我们的Debian灯Ubuntu LAMP指南。

您可以在常规Linux安装或Kali Linux安装上执行此操作。如果您使用的是Kali,请按照来自源代码的Debian LAMP指南。只需确保在所选的任何系统上都安装了Hydra和cURL。它们在大多数存储库中都可用。





通过导航到登录页面开始。你可以在找到它localhost/wp-login.php。使用浏览器的功能检查源代码。您可以右键单击页面上的某个位置,然后选择”View Source”或“检查元素”。无论哪种方式,您都可以通过不同的方式查看源。




<input type="text" name="log" id="user_login" class="input" value="" size="20" />



<input type="password" name="pwd" id="user_pass" class="input" value="" size="20" />



<input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button button-primary button-large" value="Log In" />



<input type="hidden" name="testcookie" value="1" />







$ curl -v http://localhost/wp-login.php



 You're going to need the wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check part. 

Alright, now you're going to need the information that you gathered from the HTML along with that cookie to make the request. This is what it should look like.

curl -v --data 'log=username&pwd=realpassword&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1' --cookie 'wordpress_test_cookie=WP+Cookie+check' http://localhost/wp-login.php

So, you have the same basic request as before, but this time, you are using the --data flag and the --cookie flag to pass cURL which form data you want to interact with and that cookie, so the form will actually submit.

That data string, log=username&pwd=realpassword&wp-submit=Log+In&testcookie=1 corresponds directly to the information that you gathered in from the HTML. It is saying to plug the value "username" into the input called log and the value "realpassword" into the input called pwd. Make sure to use the actual username and password to log in. Then, use the submit with the name wp-submit and a value of Log In to submit the data. At the end is testcookie with a value of 1. That's just telling cURL to submit that along with the rest of the form data.

When cURL completes the request, you really won't see any HTML, just a lot of request information. Remember that redirect that made testing with "Dashboard" not work as a test condition? Well, now the redirect itself will be the test condition. Take a look at the line below.

 That line wasn't in the previous request. It also doesn't contain any specific information related to that user or login. That means that it will always be present during a successful WordPress login, making it the perfect success condition to test with. 

Testing With Hydra

Finally, you have everything that you need to test your passwords with Hydra. The point of this guide isn't so much to cover Hydra syntax, but it will break down the command used. If you want to learn more about Hydra, check out the SSH guide that goes into much more detail.

There is really only one command that you need for Hydra to run through possible usernames and passwords to test the security of your WordPress site. The easiest thing to do is take a look at the command and break it down.

$ hydra -L lists/usrname.txt -P lists/pass.txt localhost -V http-form-post '/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^&wp-submit=Log In&testcookie=1:S=Location'

Okay, so this is obviously a lot to take in at once. The -L flag tells Hydra to use a wordlist of usernames at lists/usrname.txt. Similarly, the -P flag tells Hydra to use a wordlist of passwords at lists/pass.txt. localhost tells Hydra to target localhost, and -V tells it to log every test in the console output.

The rest of the command deals with the HTTP request itself. http-form-post activates the Hydra module for handling HTTP forms with a POST method. Remember from before that the WordPress login form is in face a POST from. The string that follows contains all of the parameters that Hydra will use. You should notice that it is very similar to the one used to log in through cURL.

The string consists of different sections separated by :. The first part is the exact address that is being tested, /wp-login.php. The next part is almost exactly like the one used by cURL. It passes values into the form and submits it, including the cookie. Instead of passing literal values, Hydra is actually using variables. Notice in log=^USER^ and pwd=^PASS^. Those are variables separated out with the carrot character that take the values from the wordlists and pass them along in the request for each test that Hydra runs.

The very last piece of the string is the test condition. S signifies that it is testing for success. If you wanted to test for failure, you'd use F. You set that equal to the word or phrase that it is testing for. Think if it almost like grep.

When you run this, you should get a positive result, provided the correct username and password are in the wordlists that you provided Hydra.

Closing Thoughts

First off, congratulations on making it through all of that. If you've made it through, you now have a solid method for testing the password strength of your WordPress user accounts.

This guide was tailored towards WordPress, but you can easily follow the same steps to test out other web forms. If you run a web application with multiple users, it is definitely a good idea to make sure that they are using strong passwords. This can help inform your password policy. Again, make sure that you are always only testing with permission.


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/8945.html,未经允许,请勿转载。