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那些离Juju最近的人愿意强调这个软件的优势,以及为什么它会超越配置管理领域的Puppet /Chef?



  • Juju封装了服务 – 一种魅力定义了服务需要向其他服务公开/使用配置数据的所有方式。魅力的魅力是如何发挥作用的。它可以使用shell脚本中的任何工具以Chef的独奏模式执行此操作。

  • Juju协调配置 – juju跟踪其可用资源,并可根据需要添加或删除它们。目前,这些资源是AWS EC2机器,OpenStack云(如HP Cloud),Microsoft Azure,Joyent,通过MAAS的裸机,以及LXC /KVM本地提供商。

  • Juju让分享变得简单 – 任何人都可以为Juju Charm Store贡献魅力;这些魅力由Juju社区进行审查和同行评审。



(免责声明 – 我是Puppet的创始人和Puppet Labs的首席执行官)

我不太了解juju,但从我所知道的来看,他们有点坐在不同的层面。 Puppet擅长管理机器本身的行为和功能,而juju似乎主要致力于讨论机器组和大部分punts,这些机器如何使机器对外部工具(如Puppet或shell脚本)执行任何特定方式。





I am responsible for Cloud Strategy at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu and Juju. Juju is not a competitor of Puppet or Chef. Juju can install Puppet or Chef and from within a Charm, Juju’s encapsulation of a service, you can call your existing Puppet modules or Chef receipts.

So what is Juju? Juju allows you to instantly deploy, integrate and scale your IT stack/services/applications. Instant IT gains without the pains. Either via command line or the GUI.

So Juju is closer to PaaS then to Devops tool since you can build your cloud (Juju is Canonical’s default OpenStack installer), the infrastructure that goes on top of it (web/app/db servers, Hadoop, MongoDB, etc.) but most remarkingly Juju allows applications to be deployed and immediately integrated (add-relation between WordPress and MySQL will automatically setup WordPress tables and data inside MySQL).

Also app servers (java, php, node.js, scala, etc.) can work together with version control hence automatic deployment and scaling of your apps is possible. So unlike PaaS, you are not limited to a specific software stack but still get the instant deployment, integration and scaling advantages. Think of it as a flexible PaaS or FlexiPaaS that instantly deploys, integrates and scales your software services without being limited or being locked-in.

Source – 警告:需要登录。


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