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sudo apt-get安装和sudo apt安装有什么区别

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我安装sudo apt-get install很多的包,但是当我输入sudo apt --help它给了由sudo apt install [package name]做安装的直接选择。所以,两者有什么区别?如果我不使用’get’和’apt’,有什么问题。


不多。 apt是一个新命令,它应该将apt-getapt-cache中的多个函数合并为一个命令。它的边仍然有点粗糙,但这里是--help的命令列表:

Basic commands: 
 list - list packages based on package names
 search - search in package descriptions
 show - show package details

 update - update list of available packages

 install - install packages
 remove  - remove packages

 upgrade - upgrade the system by installing/upgrading packages
 full-upgrade - upgrade the system by removing/installing/upgrading packages

 edit-sources - edit the source information file

等效函数被设计为以类似的方式工作,但它不是代理命令(它不是调用旧命令 – 它是直接在Apt库上的新接口),因此可能存在一些edge-case更改。



man apt页面中还有一个有趣的DIFFERENCES TO APT-GET(8)部分:

   The apt command is meant to be pleasant for end users and does
   not need to be backward compatible like apt-get(8). Therefore
   some options are different:

   ·   The option DPkgPM::Progress-Fancy is enabled.

   ·   The option APT::Color is enabled.

   ·   A new list command is available similar to dpkg --list.

   ·   The option upgrade has --with-new-pkgs enabled by default.

如果你想要Bash-completions,我已经有了它的an attempt as writing a completions file。这些都包含在以后的Ubuntu安装中。


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/2636.html,未经允许,请勿转载。