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当我收到此错误消息时,我发现它与/boot分区有关,其中包含许多旧的内核映像和在dist-upgrades之后未删除的标头。来自this launchpad bug comment的临时解决方案在本文的底部引用。

值得注意的是,Ubuntu正在开发a fix through Apt,截至2013-03-26,它已在Precise中实施,但尚未在Quantal上实施。

Warning: removing kernel packages can be dangerous, and might even leave your system unable to boot, so please don’t do this if you don’t understand what is going on.

I fixed this on my system by removing some old kernels, that I am not using any more.

I checked what kernel I am using like this:

uname -r 

This gave me a version number of a kernel I MUST NOT remove because I am using it.

Then I checked what kernels were installed like this:

sudo apt-get remove linux-<TAB> 

I.e. I typed “sudo apt-get remove linux-” and pressed the TAB key twice to see a list of possible completions. I chose the linux-image-* and linux-image-extra-* packages that contained versions of the kernel that I was not running, and removed them like this:

sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.5.0-17-generic linux-image-extra-3.5.0-17-generic linux-image-3.5.0-19-generic linux-image-extra-3.5.0-19-generic 

The exact list of packages in the “remove” line might be different for you – I found it out by doing what I describe at the top.

Then I made sure the recently-downloaded kernel packages that failed to configure were ok by running:

sudo apt-get upgrade 

Warning: removing kernel packages can be dangerous, and might even leave your system unable to boot, so please don’t do this if you don’t understand what is going on.


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/1924.html,未经允许,请勿转载。