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我最近看到Linux内核3.8不支持i386 CPU,那么这是否意味着Ubuntu将在未来几年才能在64位中使用?


不,这意味着您将无法在支持32位架构的英特尔原装芯片Intel 80386 chip上运行Linux。这些处理器的时钟速度为12-40 Mhz,并且在1990年代早期和中期被Intel 80486和Intel Pentium取代。


其他更现代的32位芯片(Pentium Pro及以上版本)仍将受到支持。这些处理器的特点是具有i386架构,但它们比原始的80386有一些改进,使用它可以从Linux中删除80386支持所需的一些ugly crutches

This tree removes ancient-386-CPUs support and thus zaps quite a bit of complexity … which has plagued us with extra work whenever we wanted to change SMP primitives, for years.

轶事认为,支持80386处理器有一些感情价值,因为它是Linus Torvalds在Linux的developed the first version时使用的处理器。

[Linux] needs a MMU (sorry everybody), and it specifically needs a 386/486 MMU (see later). … It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It’s the segmentation that makes it REALLY 386 dependent (every task has a 64Mb segment for code & data – max 64 tasks in 4Gb. Anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task – tough cookies).

此外,尽管Linux内核中的i386支持直到3.8版本,但近年来大多数Linux发行版都使用设置进行编译,这使得它们无论如何都与80386处理器不兼容。特别是自Ubuntu 10.10以来的Ubuntu requires i686 (Pentium Pro) processor或以上。


Ubuntu很长时间没有在适当的”i386″上运行,对处理器的支持是dropped in 10.10


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