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如何在 Ubuntu Server 上设置动态 DNS 获取服务?

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我已在 http://no-ip.org/ 帐户中创建了帐户和主机名,这是迄今为止我的服务器类型最常用的服务。有人可以引导我完成使用 ddclient 和 no-ip 的配置过程吗,因为我是命令行菜鸟?


为 No-IP 设置 ddclient

ddclient 是动态更新客户端 (DUC),可用于更新动态 DNS 条目。它定期检查当前的 IP 地址,并在检测到更改时更新 DNS 信息。以下是如何为 No-IP (noip.com/no-ip.com) 服务安装和配置它。

首先,安装 ddclient 软件包。我们稍后将手动配置它,因此只需按 Enter 键即可解决所有配置问题。

sudo apt-get install ddclient

停止 ddclient 守护程序。由于错误,sudo service ddclient stop 命令在 Ubuntu 12.04 上不起作用,因此我们使用 pkill 代替。

sudo pkill ddclient

编辑配置文件。要关闭 gedit 默认创建的备份文件(例如 /etc/ddclient.conf~ ),并且在您认为已删除它们后可能包含密码,请关闭设置\n Edit -> Preferences -> Editor -> Create a backup copy of files before saving

sudo gedit /etc/ddclient.conf /etc/default/ddclient



使用 noip.com sub-account 可能是个好主意,即带有密码的组(此功能是 pay-service)。这样,密码仅授予更新指定主机的权限,而不能完全访问您的整个 No-IP 帐户,其中可能包括 MX 记录(获取您密码的攻击者可能会更改 MX 记录以拦截您的 e-mails)或其他服务例如 IMAP 帐户。

您可能应该设置 daemon_interval=3600 (请参阅模板注释)。


sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet -force

您应该收到 good(IP 地址已更新)或 nochg(IP 地址已设置为该值)响应。此时收到以下警告是可以的(但在正常操作期间持续收到警告是不行的):

WARNING: updating <hostname>: nochg: No update required; unnecessary attempts to change to the current address are considered abusive

注意:No-IP 服务器上似乎正在进行一些缓存,因此如果您从服务器获得的响应不是您所期望的,那么稍等片刻可能会有所帮助。

完成配置后,启动 ddclient 守护进程:

sudo service ddclient start


现在,每次检测到 IP 地址更改时,都会更新 DNS 条目。



sudo dpkg-reconfigure ddclient


sudo apt-get purge ddclient


sudo service ddclient status
sudo service ddclient start
sudo service ddclient stop
# The stop command above does not work on Ubuntu 12.04 due to a bug, but
# it works on 14.04. Here are alternative ways to control the daemon:
ps -A f | grep -i ddclient
sudo pkill ddclient

删除缓存以欺骗守护进程更新 DNS 条目以进行调试(在正常操作期间,仅当当前 IP 地址与缓存中存储的 IP 地址不同时,才会更新 DNS 条目):

sudo pkill ddclient
sudo rm /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache
sudo service ddclient start
# See the result:
tail /var/log/syslog
# If you have set up mail=..., you should also receive an e-mail.
# The syslog and e-mail should show a "good" or "nochg" response.

通过将 DNS 条目 IP 地址设置为,然后启动守护进程,测试当 IP 地址更改时守护进程是否真正更新 DNS 条目:

sudo pkill ddclient
sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet -force -use ip -ip
sleep 30   # ddclient will not perform updates less than 30 seconds apart
sudo service ddclient start

调试运行(从不/根据需要/始终更新 DNS 条目):

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet -noexec
sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet
sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet -force


sudo ddclient -query



来自守护进程的消息将出现在此处(如果设置为这样,也将由 e-mail 发送):



/etc/ddclient.conf 的模板

# Configuration file for ddclient

# Misc. configurations

# To choose between ipup mode (for dial-on-demand) and daemon mode, please edit
# /etc/default/ddclient.

#mail=root           # E-mail messages to this address
#mail-failure=root   # E-mail messages about failed updates to this address

# How to obtain current IP address

# Methods:
#   use=ip, ip=ADDRESS                                   # Set the IP address to ADDRESS
#   use=if, if=INTERFACE, if-skip=PATTERN                # Obtain IP address by calling 'ifconfig INTERFACE'
#   use=web, web=PROVIDER|URL, web-skip=PATTERN          # Obtain IP address from IP discovery web page
#   use=cmd, cmd=PROGRAM, cmd-skip=PATTERN               # Obtain IP address by calling PROGRAM
#   use=fw|FWMODEL, fw=ADDRESS|URL, fw-skip=PATTERN      # Obtain IP address from firewall web page
#                   fw-login=LOGIN, fw-password=SECRET
# The *-skip options can be used to skip IP addresses found before PATTERN.
# NOTE: The ddclient IP detection routines do not respect the HTTPS prefix in
# URLs, and instead fall back to HTTP (this is fixed in version 3.8.1). The
# option ssl=yes does not apply to the IP detection either (this is at least
# how versions 3.8.0 to 3.8.2 behave).
# The default time between each IP address change check is daemon_interval=300
# (5 minutes), which may be a bit too frequent when using an external IP
# discovery service. To set the checking interval to e.g. one hour instead,
# please edit /etc/default/ddclient and set daemon_interval=3600.

# Obtain IP address from network interface
#use=if, if=eth0

# Obtain IP address from no-ip.com IP discovery web page (unencrypted connection)
use=web, web='http://ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com:8245/'

# Obtain IP address from no-ip.com IP discovery web page (encrypted connection)
# Encryption does not offer any real protection since a man-in-the-middle
# attack could route the HTTPS connection through a host belonging to the
# attacker, thus causing an incorrect IP address to be reported.
#use=cmd, cmd='bash -c "set -o pipefail; timeout 120 wget -qO- \
#  --header=Host:ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com https://dynupdate.no-ip.com/ | head -c 1000"'

# Dynamic DNS service setup

#server=   # Defaults to dynupdate.no-ip.com for noip protocol
ssl=yes   # NOTE: Does not apply when obtaining IP address, just when updating the DNS entry!
login='[email protected]'   # Username. For No-IP sub-accounts (groups with passwords), use '<groupname>%3A<username>'.

# Hosts to update, with optional per-host options

# Examples:
#   protocol=hammernode1, \
#   login='my-hn-login', password='my-hn-password' \
#   myhost.hn.org,myhost2.hn.org
#   login='group2%[email protected]', password='1234'   myhost3.no-ip.biz,myhost4.no-ip.biz
#   myhost.no-ip.biz,myhost2.no-ip.biz


更新:与 IP 检测服务的加密连接毫无意义。现在 ddclient.conf 模板对此进行了解释,并且现在默认使用未加密的连接进行 IP 检测。


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/14243.html,未经允许,请勿转载。