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Ubuntu 手机和 Ubuntu 平板电脑的预计稳定发布日期是什么时候?


Ubuntu 手机和 Ubuntu 平板电脑有预计的稳定发布日期吗?



到今年年底,更强大的 Ubuntu 平板电脑版本可能会适用于 Nexus 7 和 Nexus 10 平板电脑。然而,Ubuntu 平板电脑要到 2014 年春季将 UI 层合并到完全统一的 Ubuntu 14.04 中才会上市。Canonical 预计今年 10 月将稳定的 Ubuntu 手机与 Ubuntu 13.10 (“Saucy Salamander”) 集成,使其可用于 Nexus 4 和Nexus 手机用户,在 2014 年第一季度推出基于 Ubuntu 的原生手机之前。



刚刚由开发人员在邮件列表中确认。 Ubuntu Touch 1.0 将于 10 月 17 日左右准备就绪。

To: ubuntu-phone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Loïc Minier <lool@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:20:37 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>

    Hi all!

Only four and a half weeks to go and phone 1.0 will be a reality!
Obviously we're all trying to finish or fix lots of things in the
remaining time, but that might include hard-to-track-down and painful

We've got quite a bit of a backlog of things to land right now.  This
email is to ask everyone's kind cooperation in helping us land
everything that is ready while maintaining high quality for the images.



  Thanks for your help with this.
Loïc Minier


有关该主题的新闻文章:http://www.paritynews.com/2013/09/19/2851/developer-confirms-canonical-ubuntu-touch-launch-date/ \n\n(完全披露:我是该文章的作者和 ParityNews 的创始人)


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/14127.html,未经允许,请勿转载。