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为什么 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Xenial Xerus?


今天我将从 Ubuntu 15.10(Wily WereWolf) 升级到 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS。 Xenial 是加拉西亚语单词,意思是“伟大”。那么,只是好奇,为什么它被命名为 Xenial Xerus?是否有某个开发人员给出了这个名称,或者还有什么原因?

我觉得这不是 How are release codenames chosen? 的重复,因为 @7-R3X 对历史的解释和详细说明了为什么这个名字对我有帮助。关于代号,这是一个附加信息,但仍然无法帮助我理解为什么是 Xenial Xerus 。所以这就是为什么我觉得这不是重复的。




\\u201cXenial\\u201d means \\u201cfriendly relations between hosts and guests\\u201d, and\\n given all the amazing work going into LXD and KVM for Ubuntu\\n OpenStack, and beyond that the interoperability of Ubuntu OpenStack\\n with hypervisors of all sorts, it seems like a perfect fit.




The African ground squirrels, are among the most social animals in my\\n home country. They thrive in the desert, they live in small, agile,\\n social groups that get along unusually well with their neighbours (for\\n most mammals, neighbours are a source of bloody competition, for\\n Xerus, hey, collaboration is cool). They are fast, feisty, friendly\\n and known for their enormous\\u2026 courage. That sounds just about right.\\n With great\\u2026 courage\\u2026 comes great opportunity!




Xenos (\u039e\u0395\u039d\u039f\u03a3) 在希腊语中的意思是 “guest”、”stranger”、“热情好客的朋友”(古希腊语)以及扩展名 “foreign”(希腊语和现代希腊语)。宙斯被称为 Xenios Zeus(宙斯,宾客的保护神和热情好客之神)。后一种含义在许多现在已成为英语的单词中都很明显,例如 “xenophobia”,甚至是 Xenon(气体)。


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