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apt full-upgrade 与 apt-get dist-upgrade




  • apt 具有参数 full-upgrade

  • apt-get 具有参数 dist-upgrade


顺便说一句:Ubuntu 16.04 中官方推荐的命令是什么? aptapt-get


apt full-upgrade 执行与 apt-get dist-upgrade 相同的功能。

man apt


full-upgrade (apt-get(8)) performs the function of upgrade but will remove currently installed packages if this is needed to upgrade the system as a whole.


man apt-get


dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; apt-get has a “smart” conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The dist-upgrade command may therefore remove some packages. The\\n/etc/apt/sources.list file contains a list of locations from which to retrieve desired package files. See also apt_preferences(5) for a mechanism for overriding the general settings for\\nindividual packages.



是的,它们是相同的命令。 apt的cmdline/apt.cc的这部分证明了这一点:

static std::vector<aptDispatchWithHelp> GetCommands()            /*{{{*/
   return {
      // [snip]
      // system wide stuff
      {"update", &DoUpdate, _("update list of available packages")},
      {"upgrade", &DoUpgrade, _("upgrade the system by installing/upgrading packages")},
      {"full-upgrade", &DoDistUpgrade, _("upgrade the system by removing/installing/upgrading packages")},
      // misc
      {"edit-sources", &EditSources, _("edit the source information file")},
      {"moo", &DoMoo, nullptr},
      // for compat with muscle memory
      {"dist-upgrade", &DoDistUpgrade, nullptr},
      // [snip]

为了完整起见, cmdline/apt-get.cc

static std::vector<aptDispatchWithHelp> GetCommands()           /*{{{*/
   return {
      // [snip]
      {"dist-upgrade", &DoDistUpgrade, _("Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8)")},
      {"full-upgrade", &DoDistUpgrade, nullptr},
      // [snip]

对于 aptapt-getfull-upgradedist-upgrade 都引用相同的 DoDistUpgrade 函数,因此执行相同的操作,只是 apt 在此处具有不同的默认选项:


After packages are successfully installed by apt(8), the corresponding .deb package files will be removed from the /var/cache/apt/archives cache directory


APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages 可以控制 apt-get 的此行为。


@Lii 提出了一个很好的观点,即 DoDistUpgrade 可以根据所使用的二进制文件(即 argv[0] )采取不同的行为。该代码比我预期的要简单得多,因为需要考虑很多层和全局变量,但让我们看一下。

ParseCommandLine 函数用于这两个二进制文件。该函数执行命令行可能产生影响的以下步骤:

  1. InitLocale(Binary) : 所有情况都使用相同的代码。\n

  2. pkgInitConfig(**Cnf) : 所有情况都使用 extern Configuration *_config 全局变量。\n

  3. BinarySpecificConfiguration(argv[0]):现在这很有趣。 apt 具有这些与 apt-get 不同的有意义的默认选项:


    1. APT::Get::Upgrade-Allow-New = true。这是默认启用的 --with-new-pkgsapt-get 选项。这在 apt 的手册中有记录,但这里的影响仅对 upgrade 命令。

    2. APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages = false。这是 aptapt-get 之间的实际差异,并在 NEWS file 中进行了解释:


    \n[ 安装后自动删除 debs ]\n通过 apt(8) 成功安装软件包后,\n相应的 .deb 软件包文件将从 /var/cache/apt/archives 缓存目录中删除。\n[. ..]\n请注意,apt-get 的行为没有改变。下载的 deb\n安装后将保存在缓存目录中。\n


  4. BinaryCommandSpecificConfiguration(argv[0], CmdCalled) 两个二进制文件对所有这些命令执行相同的操作: "upgrade", "dist-upgrade", "full-upgrade" 。\n

  5. _config->MoveSubTree(conf.c_str(), nullptr) 根据使用的二进制文件应用以 Binary::apt::aptBinary::apt::apt-get 为前缀的选项。\n


然后,DispatchCommandLine 函数最终调用 DoDistUpgrade 处理程序。

稍后在调用堆栈中,DoCacheManipulationFromCommandLine()681 中有一个有趣的部分:

     bool const distUpgradeMode = strcmp(CmdL.FileList[0], "dist-upgrade") == 0 || strcmp(CmdL.FileList[0], "full-upgrade") == 0;

     bool resolver_fail = false;
     if (distUpgradeMode == true || UpgradeMode != APT::Upgrade::ALLOW_EVERYTHING)
        resolver_fail = APT::Upgrade::Upgrade(Cache, UpgradeMode, &Progress);




使用 apt 作为首选,但如果您正在编写脚本,请使用 apt-get。 Apt-get 具有更稳定的输出(意味着输出格式尽可能保持不变,以免破坏自动解析该输出的脚本)。 Apt-get 还有一些 apt 中不可用的低级命令。

apt 和 apt-get 的手册页对 full-upgrade 和 dist-upgrade 的描述略有不同,但它们可能是相同的命令(apt 接受 dist-upgrade 作为 full-upgrade 的别名)。这是 apt-gets 稳定性的一个很好的例子。在 apt 中,名称被更改为更加用户友好,而在 apt-get 中,名称保持不变,以免破坏与旧脚​​本的兼容性。


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/13737.html,未经允许,请勿转载。