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Ubuntu 是否计划将 btrfs 作为默认文件系统?



Btrfs 似乎有一组有用的功能,例如我们的快照,并且是 Opensuse 和 Suse 中的默认功能。Fedora 计划迁移到它。 Ubuntu 是否计划迁移到它?如果不是,为什么?


我不确定 Debian 或 Ubuntu 何时甚至是否会切换到 Btrfs 作为默认根文件系统。看看它最近如何 “become stable” 如果它在几年前达到 Debian Stable (但 Ubuntu 基于 Debian Unstable ……),我不会感到惊讶。如果是我,我会等一段时间看看 openSUSE 的情况如何。

似乎 this openSUSE news page 中提到的“快照和回滚 [是 Btrfs 的杀手级功能”,但这听起来像是一种可靠的备份策略,您可以在今天的任何 FS 中实施,只需一点点努力。我确实喜欢压缩功能,我认为它现在使用 ZLIB,但我认为它不会与默认情况下使用的 xz 相比。

This guy on LinuxBSDos.com 说“在 openSUSE 上默认使用 Btrfs,其他发行版何时会效仿”,但表示虽然默认安装在 root 上使用 Btrfs,但“/home 的单独分区使用 XFS”。然后补充说“在 openSUSE 13.2 中引起我注意的一件事是根分区无法加密,选择了 Btrfs。我认为这是因为在默认分区方案中,没有单独的分区用于 /boot。”一条评论做出了有根据的猜测,“Btrfs 位于 root 上,因为在出​​现意外故障时,您始终可以 re-install 系统。而在 /home 上存在用户数据时,您不能指望 re-install。”

我实际上不知道 Btrfs 是稳定的,只是读到它在 2014 年 8 月左右的某个时候变成了 “stable” – 如果 Wikipedia 有资格作为一个好的来源( Ubuntu’s Community Help Wiki on Btrfs says Wikipedia is a “more info” link on Btrfs… ),指向 Btrfs Wiki 的链接说它“不再不稳定”并且仍然有:

The Btrfs code base is under heavy development. Every effort is being made to keep it stable and fast. Due to the fast development speed, the state of development of the filesystem improves noticeably with every new Linux version, so it’s recommended to run the most modern kernel possible.

Debian’s Wiki 似乎没有任何关于 btrfs 的新消息,提到它从 2.6.29 ( 23 March, 2009 ) 开始就在内核中

实际上 Btrfs Wiki’s FAQ 似乎没有关于它的稳定性比 2012 年 12 月更新的消息(我确信更新文档的优先级很低,但达到稳定对我来说似乎是一个里程碑):

Is btrfs stable?

Short answer: No, it’s still considered experimental.

Long answer: Nobody is going to magically stick a label on the btrfs code and say “yes, this is now stable and bug-free”. Different people have different concepts of stability: a home user who wants to keep their ripped CDs on it will have a different requirement for stability than a large financial institution running their trading system on it. If you are concerned about stability in commercial production use, you should test btrfs on a testbed system under production workloads to see if it will do what you want of it. In any case, you should join the mailing list (and hang out in IRC) and read through problem reports and follow them to their conclusion to give yourself a good idea of the types of issues that come up, and the degree to which they can be dealt with. Whatever you do, we recommend keeping good, tested, off-system (and off-site) backups.

Pragmatic answer: (2012-12-19) Many of the developers and testers run btrfs as their primary filesystem for day-to-day usage, or with various forms of “real” data. With reliable hardware and up-to-date kernels, we see very few unrecoverable problems showing up. As always, keep backups, test them, and be prepared to use them.

The Fedora Project Wiki about Btrfs 在它的“Btrfs 文件系统草案”中说“从 Fedora 16 开始,它将成为默认文件系统”,但这是在 2011 年发布的,所以我认为该页面没用……

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Storage Administration Guide 将 Btrfs 称为 “Technology Preview”,RedHat 版本于 2014 年 6 月 10 日发布(2019 年第四季度的“生产结束 1 阶段”)。

在红帽中,What does a “Technology Preview” feature mean?

Technology Preview features are currently unsupported, may not be functionally complete, and are not suitable for deployment in production. However, these features are provided to the customer as a courtesy and the primary goal is for the feature to gain wider exposure with the goal of full support in the future.


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/12688.html,未经允许,请勿转载。