我正在考虑购买一台新笔记本电脑,并考虑购买一台配备混合 HDD/SSD 驱动器的笔记本电脑。具体来说,我正在研究新的第二代 Seagate Momentus XT。对于一些评论,请查看 here 和 here 。
缓存都是在固件级别完成的,因此毫无疑问,这个基本功能将适用于 Ubuntu。
但是,第二代驱动器现在应该在 SSD 上为操作系统启动文件保留空间。
Momentus XT drives are known for incredibly fast boot-up times, and now they are even better with FAST Factor boot technology. This system boot-up technique can reduce your boot time to mere seconds—for a fast cold-boot start. It can cut your system start-up time by up to 65% over a traditional HDD. FAST Factor boot technology will deliver the fastest boot possible, whether you boot your system once a day or once a week. Your OS boot-up files are always there, ready to work. (source)
我担心的是产品手册中没有关于此的其他信息,并且评论似乎表明固件可能正在专门寻找 Windows 启动文件。参见例如:
Dubbed FAST Factor Boot, this new approach aims to accelerate the Windows boot process whether you’re firing up the OS for the first time or rebooting after months of uninterrupted activity. With the old Momentus XT, Adaptive Memory needed a few boots to learn which OS-related data to cache. Using the drive for long enough without rebooting had the potential to push that data out of the cache, reversing any previous boot-time benefits. With the new XT, a segment of the NAND has been reserved solely for OS data related to the boot process. That section of the flash is populated as Windows is installed to the drive, which should speed things up starting from the first boot. If Windows is being installed via a drive image, the XT will need a couple of boots to determine what to put in the roped-off section of its cache. As with clean installs, that data won’t be kicked out of the cache between boots. (source)
希捷文档没有提到特定于 Windows 操作系统启动文件,所以我想知道审查是否只是不知道除了 Window 之外还有其他操作系统,或者他们是否实际上了解官方文档中没有的某些信息。
Hello Austin,
Thanks for contacting Seagate global support.
We do not test our drives for use with Linux. Sorry we cannot answer your question in depth.
Agent (taking names out) Seagate Global Customer Support
我回答说我不需要基于通过测试证明的性能的答案,而只是预期的行为。另一个代理回复了我的电子邮件,但有一个 mix-up,他实际上给我发送了一个 screen-sharing 的链接,出于好奇,我启动了一个 Windows VM 并跟踪了该链接。代理意识到有一个混淆,但仍然愿意在 screen-sharing 软件的聊天功能中讨论我的问题。
第二个代理更有帮助,但我觉得他对产品不是很了解。他说 Linux 不是受支持的操作系统,但它应该与 Linux 兼容。当我特别询问有关为操作系统文件保留 SSD 空间的信息时,我得到了 Momentus XT 系列基本功能的另一种描述,“它缓存经常访问的文件,而不管操作系统或软件如何。”他对新的“FAST Factor Boot”功能一无所知——老实说,我什至不确定他是否知道这个新功能。
Dear Austin,
Thank you for contacting Seagate.
Officially Linux is not supported, because it is an open source Operating system.
By selectively tackling data that is frequently used and time-consuming to fetch, the Momentus XT drive will copy this data into the flash and maintain the relevancy. You get the instant response experience you’ve been searching for.
Momentus XT hybrid drives are designed to work in any standard laptop. These drives are OS-, driver- and software-independent, making them remarkably simple to integrate and easy to use.
If you have any additional questions you may call us during your regional business hours listed below. For your convenience we also have on-line chat assistance.
Live Assistance: Chat: Americas: http://support2.seagate.com/ChatLaunch?rc=1 Europe: http://support2.seagate.com/ChatLaunch?rc=2
Regards, (name removed) Seagate Global Customer Support
关于开源软件的一个非常奇怪的声明 (
Officially Linux is not supported, because it is an open source Operating system.
),我认为/希望并不是希捷不支持 Linux 的真正原因。
我认为要获得真正的答案,我们需要与 a) 拥有此驱动器并可以测试启动性能的人交谈,或者 b) 以某种方式与真正熟悉产品功能的高级支持代理联系。我正在考虑联系 System 76,他们将此驱动器作为其 Ubuntu 笔记本电脑的选项,并询问他们是否测试了启动性能(或者他们的 OEM 状态是否可以从希捷获得更多有用的答案)。如果人们有 Twitter 帐户(我没有),他们也可以开始在 Seagate ( @askseagate ) 上发布这个问题,看看它是否引起了他们的注意。
驱动器固件是否能够读取 NTFS?
除非驱动器可以在固件级别以某种方式读取 NTFS,并且带有预定义的 Windows “boot file” 名称列表,否则它的行为应该是 OS-agnostic。固件将关注 physical-unit 级别的访问,即。部门。
因此,固件确实知道在 “boot-up”(例如,启动后 x 秒)以及以什么频率访问驱动器的哪些扇区。然后它可能会使用该信息将某些扇区(在它自己的非易失性存储器中)标记为“让这些扇区在闪存缓存中持续更长时间”,也就是“将它们保留在 ‘roped-off’ 区域中”。
引用 Mitch 链接的 StorageReview review:
FAST Factor also makes the Momentus XT OS independent, by keeping the software contained on the drive itself, there’s no need for a driver,
根据我对旧的 (1st-gen) 混合动力 Momentus XT 的经验,它可以在 Linux 上正常工作,只要几个引导/”burn time” 适应。
If Windows is being installed via a drive image, the XT will need a couple of boots to determine what to put in the roped-off section of its cache.
Ubuntu Live-CD 安装本质上是通过驱动器映像 – 用于 CD 的 squashfs 文件系统在安装到的分区上扩展。问题是,Windows Vista/7 采用了相同的策略——将一个巨大的 2GB install.wim
假设引用的语句意味着 XT2 在这种情况下将有效地表现得像 XT,它应该与 Ubuntu/Linux 一样工作。
为了更好地量化上述断言,让我们看一下数字。 XT2 有一个 8GB SSD 组件;这比普通的 Ubuntu 桌面安装要大得多,并且大约是全新的 Windows 7 安装的大小。即使假设是基于映像的安装,如果所有这些都缓存在 SSD 中,它会在第一次时很快启动。