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  • 快照取决于当前版本中已经通过deb软件包安装的库的版本?它会忽略已安装的库吗?

  • 指定相同库的相同版本的不同快照?它会以某种方式进行重复数据删除吗?

  • 对核心库的更新可能会被很多快照使用? OpenSSL是一个巨大的痛点。

xdg-app的名称为a “runtime”

A fundamental concept in xdg-app is the runtime/application split. Every app depends on a runtime, which supplies the core libraries that the app relies on. Runtimes are typically shared by many applications, but a user can have multiple runtimes installed at the same time.




One of the interesting features talked about is deduplication support for content within Snap packages. Snaps would be automatically deduplicated of common files shared between snaps based upon their file hashes. There would be de-duplication on the file-system layer, de-duplication on snap downloads (with server support), and perhaps de-duplication of mapped libraries from the linker. Deduplication is a big work item and likely will take a while to implement fully, but it’s an interesting goal nevertheless.



There are three layers that make up a snappy machine: the system layer, provided by Canonical, a layer of frameworks that extend the base system produced by vendors in collaboration with Canonical, and a set of snappy applications, provided directly by vendors. Updating any piece just means using the new version of a read-only image. Reverting to a previous version is just as easy.



I am experimenting with Frameworks to essentially extend the Snappy base system by software and services which lots of snaps require but should not be included in any and each snap due to update issues and size. The best example i have for this, is the openssl binary. Many snaps need this to generate and validate keys and certificates.

The other issue i tied to solve with a framework is the access to system wide resources, mote notably ports. Eg, a web server framework would provide ways for other snapps to inject their web service api and end points via reverse proxy into the framework running the web server.

I was told on IRC that i am kind of abusing the framework concept, but still these two issues come up on my desk often.



我认为快照不会检查已经安装了哪些依赖项。它仅包括其所有依赖关系和运行时(这部分是为什么LibreOffice snap为287 MB而flatpak为200MB的原因)。





Snaps include pretty much everything the software needs to run. I don’t think anything gets shared between snaps.


  1. snapd-默认安装在16.04和更高版本中

  2. 核心-(核心快照)在安装第一个已安装的快照软件包时自动下载并安装


  1. 更新核心捕捉。即使这行不通,运行以下命令的结果也会提供有助于解决问题的其他信息。

    sudo snap refresh core  
  2. 卸载核心快照和所有快照软件包,然后重新安装它们。

    sudo snap remove core snap-package1 snap-package2  
    sudo snap install core snap-package1 snap-package2


本文由Ubuntu问答整理, 博文地址: https://ubuntuqa.com/article/11440.html,未经允许,请勿转载。